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Great River Energy to sign agreement with Apex Clean Energy for 400-megawatt Discovery Wind

As the energy industry continues to change, technology is paving the way for innovation in the way energy is used, produced, stored and shared. Great River Energy (GRE) has reached an agreement in principle with Apex Clean Energy to receive renewable energy from a 400-megawatt (MW) wind energy project in McLean County, North Dakota. The Discovery […]

Manager Connection – Beware of Utility Scams

By Syd Briggs,General Manager As the energy industry continues to change, technology is paving the way for innovation in the way energy is used, produced, stored and shared. Consumers are interested in more green energy alternatives while smart homes and apps make managing energy use and paying your electric bill more convenient than ever. While […]

Former Steele-Waseca General Manager Donald Larson dies at age 91

Former Steele-Waseca Cooperative Electric General Manager Donald Larson died Monday, Jan. 3, at Birchwood Cottages in Owatonna. Larson had a 45-year career at Steele-Waseca, which included 23 years as general manager. Born Oct. 8, 1930, in Waseca to Arthur and Alma (Seljeskog) Larson. Don attended District 10 school and graduated from Waseca High School in […]

Steele-Waseca Cooperative Electric hosts electric vehicle safety training for area fire departments

Personnel from nine area fire departments were in attendance Tuesday, Jan. 18, for a First Responder EV (Electric Vehicle) Safety Training session in the warehouse of Steele-Waseca Cooperative Electric. Owner and Facilitator Jack Volz of Safety and Security Consultation Specialists, LLC, shared information on types of electric vehicles, EV emergency response techniques, disabling electric vehicles, […]

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