Is your dual fuel system ready for cold weather?
If you have a dual fuel heating system, also known as an off-peak system, now is the time to be sure your off-peak controls are functioning, and your backup system is prepared. Your fuel supply should be checked and chimneys cleaned.
Summer storms can damage equipment controls within off-peak heating systems. It is the member’s responsibility to contact an electrical contractor should the system not be functioning correctly.
Dual fuel is a controlled heating program offered at a reduced (off peak) electric rate. During the heating season, the electric heat portion of your dual fuel system can be shut off for up to 12 hours at a time, typically during periods of extremely cold weather, or when the demand for electricity is high.
The dual program helps control electric demand during peak usage periods, which is why an adequate backup system is required. For more information, visit Steele-Waseca Cooperative Electric’s website,, or call Cindy Butterfield before 3:30 p.m. weekdays.
