Steele-Waseca tours member businesses

Steele-Waseca Cooperative Electric board members, managers and employees, Aug. 3, toured BioPlastic Solutions in Ellendale, the Hope Creamery, and Absolute Air in Faribault to learn how their power needs are integral for their respective operations. The co-op’s tour group in the above, lower right photo included (front row, left to right): General Manager Syd Briggs, Accountant Darlene Janda, Executive Assistant Jenifer Shimpach, Member Services Division Manager Kim Wilson, and District 2 Director Gerri Lienke. Middle row (left to right): Safety Coordinator/Member Service Representative Jack Schwab, Communications Specialist Randy Sobrack, Steele-Waseca Attorney Tricia Lancaster, District 9 Director Scott Carlson, Assistant Secretary/Treasurer PJ Duchene, Board President Gary Wilson, and Secretary/Treasurer Ron Sommers. Back row (left to right): Vice President Rodney Krell, Master Electrician Joel Dulas, Finance Division Manager Jon Stelter, District 4 Director Dennis Ringhofer, and District 7 Director John Beal. In the above left photo, BioPlastic Solutions President and CEO Gary Noble (standing front left) listens to a question from Steele-Waseca General Manager Syd Briggs (pictured far right). Hope Creamery’s Buttermaker Hudson Mrotz (facing group far left) explains the process of making butter at their facility. In the above, lower left photo, Absolute Air’s Michael Kellner (pictured far left) explains how their outdoor equipment stores the liquid component of their gases produced at their plant.
