Steele-Waseca partners with Voices for Cooperative Power on legislative policies impacting rural energy consumers
Courtesy: Minnesota Rural Electric Association (MREA)
As a local energy co-op, Steele-Waseca Cooperative Electric works daily to provide reliable, affordable power to the communities and member-owners we serve.

The cooperative has a long history of coming together to turn on the lights for rural energy consumers. Over the years, we have adapted our business practices to continue providing reliable, affordable energy even though the industry continues to change at a rapid pace.
Steele-Waseca is just one of 50 electric cooperatives that serve rural energy consumers in Minnesota. We have partnered with other Minnesota co-ops through our statewide organization, MREA, and our national organization, National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA), to ensure we have a voice at the table this upcoming legislative session, and make our cooperative voices heard when it comes to energy policy in Minnesota.
Our member-owners may help us advocate for reliable, affordable energy for all of Minnesota’s energy consumers by signing up for Voices for Cooperative Power (VCP), a network of electric cooperative member-consumers who are working together to ensure the needs of rural America are reflected in state and national policy decisions.
You can learn more and sign up at
Through VCP, you will have access to resources designed to help you learn more about your local and national legislators, and about issues impacting rural energy cooperatives both in Minnesota and across the nation.
VCP also provides the tools and information you need to communicate easily and effectively with our state legislators regarding Minnesota’s energy policies and legislation.
Together, we can elevate the voice of our members and other rural energy consumers across the state, and keep electricity reliable and affordable for all.
(Note: VCP is a free service available for electric cooperatives through NRECA. Through the VCP platform, you will also be exposed to policy issues impacting energy cooperatives at a national level. NRECA maintains the service and sets the national priorities for VCP. Joining VCP is an individual decision and completely optional. You will not be enrolled automatically as a member of Steele-Waseca Cooperative Electric, nor will you be required to contact your legislators by signing up for the service. Those who register can withdraw their registration at any time through VCP.)
