Nominating Committee completes duty for board of director nominees

Steele-Waseca Cooperative Electric’s 2023 Nominating Committee included the following members (front row, left to right): Charlie Peters, Lonsdale; Denise Bartness, Owatonna; Pam and Rene Koester, Nerstand; Stacy and Daniel Maas, Faribault. Back row (left to right): John and Lylia Iverson, Medford; Linda and Glen Wiesjhan, Owatonna; Ryan and Jenny Angelow, Faribault; and Dale Groskreutz, New Richland. Not pictured: Lynn Groskreutz, New Richland; and Joseph Haberman, Blooming Prairie.
Steele-Waseca’s bylaws require the board of directors to appoint a Nominating Committee consisting of no less than five cooperative members. Each year’s committee is responsible for an important part of the cooperative process—to select nominees for the board seats up for election.
This year’s committee met Nov. 9, 2022, at Steele-Waseca’s headquarters in Owatonna.
General Manager Syd Briggs reviewed the duties of the Nominating Committee as stated in co-op’s bylaws, the activities and conduct of individual board members policy, the qualifications for eligibility for service on the co-op’s board of directors policy, the director election filing form and affirmation of director qualifications, and questions concerning qualifications for director.
The Nominating Committee works on a rotation system that keeps six experienced members on the committee, and adds three new members each year.
A list of members in each district was provided, and it was suggested that committee members from each district meet together to discuss the search for candidates and review the information given to them.
Nominations for committee chairperson for the January meeting were opened, Denise Bartness volunteered, and Board President Gary Wilson declared her nominating committee chairperson. After no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
The Nominating Committee conducted their second meeting on Jan. 18, 2023, at Steele-Waseca’s headquarters. Cooperative Attorney Tricia Lancaster reviewed the director duties, standard of conduct policy, and qualifications for eligibility for service on the board of directors policy.
The names of the following candidates were announced, and will appear on the election ballot for Steele-Waseca’s 87th annual meeting scheduled June 6, 2023, at the co-op’s headquarters located at 2411 W. Bridge St., Owatonna:
District 7 John R. Beal (incumbent), Faribault.
District 8 Mark W. Estrem, Nerstrand;
Bryan L. Finley, Northfield;
Ronald D. Sommers (incumbent), Northfield.
District 9 Scott J. Carlson, Faribault
Additional nominations may be nominated from the floor during the business portion of the annual meeting until the nominations officially close and the election is held.
Steele-Waseca wishes to thank all of the committee members for their time and service.
