Steele-Waseca Cooperative Electric nominating committee appointments announced for 2022
The Steele-Waseca Cooperative Electric board of directors have made appointments to the 2022 Nominating Committee.
It is the nominating committee’s responsibility to prepare the list of director candidates, and post it at the cooperative’s office at least 30 days prior to the annual meeting scheduled Tuesday, June 7, 2022.
The election of directors will take place during the business portion of the annual meeting, held at Steele-Waseca’s headquarters, located at 2411 West Bridge Street in Owatonna. All Steele-Waseca members are eligible to serve as board directors. The governance role of directors can be summarized as being responsible for setting the overall policy, and monitoring the business affairs of the cooperative.
If you are interested in becoming a director, you may call Executive Assistant Jenifer Shimpach at Steele-Waseca, and a director nomination form will be sent to you.
Or, if you know another member who would make a good director, and you want him or her to be considered, please contact the nominating committee member nearest you. However, before you make the request, be certain the person will accept the position if nominated.
The Nominating Committee will conduct two in-person meetings. The first is scheduled Thursday, Nov. 11. The second meeting is scheduled Wednesday, Jan. 19, 2022. The committee would appreciate any assistance you can provide in helping them select director candidates.
All Steele-Waseca members are eligible to vote each year for all expiring board director positions. The districts electing directors at Steele-Waseca’s 86th annual meeting include the following:
• District 2: Ryan/Jenny Angelow; Frank/Joyce Ahlman; Dale/Lynn Groskreutz: Dunbar, Lura and Minnesota Lake Townships in Faribault County; Mapleton, Danville, Medo, McPherson and LeRay Townships in Blue Earth County; Freeborn Township in Freeborn County; Alton, Byron, Freedom, Janesville, St. Mary, Vivian and Wilton Townships in Waseca County. (Represented by Geraldine Lienke)
• District 4: Glenn/LInda Wiesjhan; Keith/Carol Scharader; Denise Bartness: Bath and Geneva Townships in Freeborn County; the Southwest one quarter (SW 1/4) and the Southeast one quarter (SE 1/4) of Berlin Township; Deerfield, Owatonna and Meriden Townships; the Northeast one quarter (NE 1/4) and the Southeast one quarter (SE 1/4) of Somerset Township, and Summit Township in Steele County; the Southwest one quarter (SW 1/4) of Warsaw Township in Rice County. (Represented by Dennis Ringhofer)
• District 6: Joseph Haberman; Patricia Pagel; John/Lylia Iverson: Medford, Clinton Falls and Merton Townships; and the Northwest, Northeast and Southeast one quarters (NW, NE & SE 1/4’s) of Havana Township in Steele County, and Ellington, Concord, Claremont and Wasioja Townships in Dodge County. (Represented by Gary Wilson)
