Members updated on co-op activities during four town hall meetings in Owatonna

Steele-Waseca Cooperative Electric members had the opportunity to be updated regarding the co-op’s activities during four town hall meetings conducted in September and early October at Torey’s Restaurant & Bar in Owatonna.

In total, approximately 480 members and guests were in attendance for the meetings conducted Sept. 10, 12, 30, and Oct. 2. The emcee was General Manager Syd Briggs. Among the topics covered were changes at the co-op, tree trimming to maintain power reliability, rebates, the co-op’s association with Carr’s Tree Service, and capital credits.

Briggs highlighted the changes to the districts in Steele-Waseca’s service territory made with the intent of adding more balance to the number of members in each district.

Steele-Waseca General Manager Syd Briggs explained the redistricting approved by the board of directors to those in attendance for the Sept. 30 town hall meeting.

He reflected on the bylaw changes approved by the attending membership at the 2023 annual meeting, and how it allowed mail-in voting for 2024 with the intent of continuing the same system for balloting in 2025.

Operations Division Manager Dan Meier detailed the co-op’s tree trimming practices and how it has impacted power reliability.

He explained Steele-Waseca has a nine-year rotation with the nine districts in the service territory, which consists of 2,200 miles of line. Meier said the co-op has reduced outages from trees by 50% in the last nine years. The 2024 budget for tree trimming is $675,000.

GIS/Staking Supervisor Jeff Daley highlighted the recommended distance of planting trees near power lines and poles. He also detailed the importance of clearance near padmount transformers in maintaining accessibility for line technicians and keeping those transformers from overheating due to the proximity of flowers, shrubs, etc.

Information was shared regarding residential rebates with emphasis on heat pumps, and the availability of commercial, industrial, and agriculture energy rebates.

Briggs explained Steele-Waseca’s ownership stake in Carr’s Tree Service, which the co-op utilizes for tree trimming services. The co-op’s board of directors approved a 5.6% ownership of Carr’s in 2016. Briggs explained the return of the investment has yielded 7% each year, and those dividends are allocated to Steele-Waseca members.

An update on capital credits was presented by Briggs, and he encouraged members to look for their retired capital credit equity this year on their statements coming out in December.

Each town hall meeting provided an opportunity for members to ask questions before concluding by 8 p.m.
