Manager Connection: Dual Fuel

General Manager Syd Briggs

A program offered by Steele-Waseca Cooperative Electric provides home heating at a remarkable value by pairing electric heat with a dependable backup.

If you are a member enrolled in the program, known as “dual fuel,” knowing the “why” behind the moments your dual fuel heating is temporarily switched is likely important to you—especially during the long, cold months of winter.

Great River Energy (GRE), our wholesale power provider, makes the decision of when to shift participating members to their backup heat source for a variety of reasons, but affordability and reliability are the ultimate drivers.

The program is a win-win-win for all involved. Enrolled members benefit from a reduced electric rate, Steele-Waseca is able to manage local electricity demand and avoid expensive market purchases, and the entire regional grid benefits from reduced demand for electricity.

Responding to demand offers big benefits

Dual fuel heating is one example of a “demand response” program, which is designed to reduce electricity demand to keep energy reliable and affordable.

The demand response system is launched by GRE’s control center. Power system operators use computers to send tens of thousands of electronic signals through the power delivery system and into distribution power lines.

Receivers plugged into standard electrical current at member homes and businesses can read the signals and, when the appropriate message is sent, those receivers interrupt the electric power flowing to the heating system. When control is no longer needed, a signal is sent to turn the system back on.

Based on metering and market conditions, Great River Energy’s system operators and energy marketers know when a peak load period is approaching. Depending on the amount by which GRE needs to reduce the peak, operators choose various groups of controlled load and turn them off using the demand response system.

Call Operations Assistant Cindy Butterfield weekdays between 8 a.m. and 3:30 p.m., for more information on Steele-Waseca’s dual fuel program.

Load control information may be found on Steele-Waseca’s website at Simply click on, “Are We Controlling Today.”
