Manager Connection: Annual Meeting 2023
By Syd Briggs,
General Manager

I am looking forward to Steele-Waseca Cooperative Electric’s 87th Annual Meeting Tuesday, June 6, at the co-op’s headquarters in Owatonna.
It’s a great opportunity for myself, the co-op’s board of directors, and employees to talk with our member-owners and hear what’s on their minds.
We hope you’ll join us for the annual meeting, as we’ll open the doors at 9 that morning at 2411 W. Bridge St., with designated parking on the grounds, and golf car shuttles to and from the meeting, which will start promptly at 10:30.
Prior to the meeting, co-op employees will be registering members with the postcards being mailed at least one week prior to the annual meeting. While members may bring a guest, only members will be eligible for prizes and giveaways. If you are a member who can’t attend, you may not have someone else submit your postcard for prizes given to those members able to attend. In addition, if you are not feeling well, please stay home and we’ll look forward to seeing you again at next year’s annual meeting.
The co-op will continue our practice of collecting non-perishable items for an area food shelf. Donors will receive an LED lightbulb in appreciation for their generosity.
During the meeting, members in attendance will be voting for three board directors, who each will serve a three-year term. You may learn more about the candidates on Page 3 of this month’s Sparks newsletter, or you may nominate a candidate from the floor during that portion of the meeting.
If you can’t stay for the annual meeting, members may register that morning, prior to 10:30, and cast their vote, and receive the giveaways for members. However, we will not be serving lunch until the meeting concludes; aka we won’t have a pork chop on a stick for you if you leave early.
The meeting will also share a few brief business updates, hear from last year’s Youth Tour delegates, Alex Kindseth and Nate Seykora, and recognize our delegate for 2023, Fred Klokonos.
Spending time with you and hearing your take on our energy future is important to us. In fact, it’s essential because everything we do is shaped by the members of our service area. As I have referenced in previous columns, the energy industry is in the midst of significant change. Consumer needs and changing technology impact nearly every aspect of how we manage and deliver energy to local homes, schools, and businesses.
As we navigate through changes in the coming years, we need to hear from you and your neighbors to inform our planning as we strive to meet the long-term needs of all member-owners.
You have a say
Your opinion matters! Gaining guidance and perspective from our members and board helps set priorities for the co-op and guide future decisions.
Our board of directors are comprised of nine members who live and work right here in our service area, so they are in the best position to know where community investments are most needed. Our board members come from all areas of our territory and care about our communities.
Your electric bill is an investment in the communities of our service area
This local input means those closest to their community knows its needs and priorities, and help direct where co-op dollars are spent. Every year, Steele-Waseca invest funds to make updates to our local system, which helps maintain reliability and grid resilience.
Think of it this way: every time you pay your electric bill, you’re actually investing in your community because all the money we take in stays in our service area. By making those investments in our local distribution system, we can ensure you have reliable power for everyday life. We’re a co-op and our business model is meant to serve the members and the communities in which it operates.
Our core purpose and mission are to provide safe, reliable, and affordable power. We hope you’ll exercise the benefits of your co-op membership and join us for this year’s annual meeting. We look forward to seeing you!
