Mail-in ballots are on their way
Our first mail-in ballot director election has begun! 📬 When you check your mailbox in a couple days, you’ll find the ballot for the 2024 Director Election for Districts 1, 3 & 5. Inside the mailed ballot, you’ll find voting instructions, ballot/candidate profiles, a secrecy ballot envelope, and a yellow prepaid return envelope.
Step1. Fill out your ballot.
Step 2. Place the completed ballot in the white secrecy ballot envelope. (Ballot must be in secrecy envelope to be counted)
Step 3. Place the secrecy ballot envelope in the yellow prepaid return envelope. If you represent an entity, business, church, organization, identified farm(s), trust or estate, YOU MUST SIGN THE RETURN ENVELOPE for it to be counted.
Step 4. Place the yellow prepaid return envelope in the mail; return your ballot early. (Ballots must be received by Survey & Ballot System’s PO Box by 10 AM on Friday, May 31 to be counted; do not drop off your envelope at SWCE)
Election results will be announced at the Annual Meeting on June 4th.📣

Mail-in ballot materials will include:
• Ballot with voting instructions.
• Candidate biographies.
• Ballot envelope (the completed ballot must be inserted in the ballot envelope to be counted; only one ballot per envelope is allowed).
• Postage-paid yellow return envelope (ballot envelope is inserted into the yellow return envelope) and mailed.
Important voting notes:
• Individual members, meaning residents, will not need to sign the yellow return envelope.
• Entity members, meaning businesses, corporations, clubs, organizations, trusts, estates, or identified farms [i.e. XYZ Farm(s)] must fill out the authorization section, including signature, on the yellow return envelope for the ballot to be counted.
Mail-in ballots must be received in SBS’s post office box (printed on the yellow return envelope) by 10 a.m., Friday, May 31, to be counted. DO NOT bring your ballot to the Steele-Waseca office. Be sure to mail your postage-paid yellow return envelope early.
Election results will be announced at the annual meeting.
The annual meeting, as in past years, will have the same treats, gift drawings, and meal. If you have questions, please call the Steele-Waseca office during regular business hours.
