KW Saves kWhs: Microwave vs. Stove

Kim Wilson (I’m the KW in ‘KW Saves kWhs’😊)
SWCE Member Services Supervisor
Here’s an easy way to help you lower your heating costs. Check back each month for additional ideas.
Use your microwave instead of your stove
Along with other household chores, reheating food is a necessary and also energy-taxing process. Depending on your preference, a stove may preserve the flavor of food a little better. Independent of taste, however, there is evidence to suggest that a microwave is more energy efficient. The nature of a stove makes it prone to losing energy. A microwave, while using a lot of electricity, uses relatively short bursts of power for small amounts of time.
Now that the weather is getting warmer, it’s also a good time to start grilling outdoors. It’s a great way to enjoy the warmer weather and cut energy use in the kitchen.
