GRE members elect directors; board elects officers
Part of being a democratically governed electric cooperative involves gathering annually and establishing the structure of the board of directors for the upcoming year.
During these annual meetings, cooperatives elect the directors—new and old—to their seats on the board and hold elections for board officers.
At the Great River Energy (GRE) annual meeting Wednesday, April 6, GRE’s member-owners elected 24 individuals to serve a one-year term on the GRE board of directors, among those elected was Steele-Waseca Cooperative Electric Board President Gary Wilson.
During the board of director’s reorganization meeting following the annual meeting, Bob Bruckbauer (Lake Country Power, Grand Rapids) was re-elected board chair; Dale Anderson (Kandiyohi Power Cooperative, Spicer) was re-elected board vice chair; Audrey Hjelle (Runestone Electric Association, Alexandria) was re-elected secretary; and Lee York (Nobles Cooperative Electric, Worthington) was re-elected treasurer.
“Electric cooperatives serve members 24 hours a day, seven days a week—and the directors make consequential decisions that affect the membership throughout the year,” said Bruckbauer. “What makes cooperatives special is they are governed by their member-owners, who truly want to make the best decisions for their friends and neighbors.”
Each Great River Energy director is a member of the board of directors of one of Great River Energy’s Class A member-owner cooperatives.
