2025 Youth Tour to Washington, D.C. scheduled June 16-21
Steele-Waseca Cooperative Electric seeking applicants; will sponsor two eligible students

Steele-Waseca Cooperative Electric is accepting applications from eligible high school sophomores or juniors for an all-expense paid trip, valued at nearly $4,000, to Washington, D.C., for the 2025 Youth Tour, June 16-21.
The tour is coordinated through the Minnesota Rural Electric Association (MREA) and hosted by the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA). Participating cooperatives sponsor a member student(s) to travel to Washington, D.C., learn about cooperatives and our government, tour historical sites, and have fun meeting new friends from Minnesota and other delegates from across the nation.
To be eligible, the entrant must meet the following requirements:
1. The entrant is currently a high school sophomore or junior, and their parent(s)/guardian(s) are a Steele-Waseca member. Dependents of Steele-Waseca employees or directors are not eligible to participate.
2. All entries must include: a) the completed application form below; b) answers to both essay questions digitally videoed that also highlights the applicant’s school and community information on the video at least two minutes in length and not to exceed three minutes; c) two letters of recommendation (one from an instructor, counselor or administrator, and the other from a church or community leader).
3. Videos may be emailed to Member Services Supervisor Randy Sobrack at rsobrack@swce.coop. Mail the application form and letters of recommendation to: Steele-Waseca Cooperative Electric, c/o Youth Tour 2025, PO Box 485, Owatonna, MN 55060. Entries must be received in Steele-Waseca’s office on or before Tuesday, Feb. 18, 2025. The two Youth Tour recipients will be notified by Tuesday, March 18, 2025.
Each entry will be evaluated by a panel of judges for:
• The responses to the questions and activity involvement in 2-3 minutes.
• Personality and communication exhibited in the video.
• Quality of the production.
Essay Questions:
1. Why would you like to be Steele-Waseca’s delegate for the 2025 Youth Tour? What do you hope to gain from the experience?
2. What does commitment to community mean to you? Share how you contribute to your community.
School and Community Information
• Highlight your school activities – note letters and honors earned, positions held, etc.
• Reflect on your community activities – include church, community service and positions held.
• Share details regarding any work experience and other information that makes you the person you are. MREA is requiring that each participating cooperative’s delegate(s) report to the Crowne Plaza Airport located at 3 Appletree Square in Bloomington for an orientation session Monday, June 16, presently at 9:30 a.m. An afternoon flight to Washington, D.C., will follow the session.
