If I told you that for as little as 7 cents per day you could help ensure that the voice of Steele-Waseca Cooperative Electric (SWCE), the company you own, would remain strong in St. Paul and Washington D.C., would you be interested?

That is all it takes to join with hundreds of your SWCE neighbors, your SWCE board of directors, SWCE employees, and tens of thousands of your fellow rural electric cooperative member/owners nationwide who belong to America’s Electric Cooperatives PAC (Political Action Committee).

PAC only supports candidates for state and federal offices, regardless of political affiliation, who will speak for you and protect your interests and those of your fellow consumer/owners. You own this company and, obviously, it is in your best interest to help elect candidates who will work for you and your neighbors to keep your cooperative successful. Our goal is to continue to provide you with safe, dependable and affordable electric power. Together as a team, we can make a difference.

It is very easy to enroll. Simply fill out this PAC Contribution Form. Return the form to our office and we will include the $2.08 per month on your monthly electric bill for your convenience.

Please help us secure the future of your electric cooperative and the families it serves.